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12 Entrepreneurs Share Their 2019 New Year’s Resolutions

By: Bianca Buliga, Digital Marketing Manager

New year, new you (right?!) As 2019 kicks into full gear, we’ve all been given a chance to focus more deeply, re-prioritize organization, and dream bigger. Your personal resolutions may include hitting the gym more often, eating healthier, and reading more books, but have you given much thought to your professional resolutions? What do you hope to accomplish this year? How do you plan to take your impact-driven venture to the next level?

To spark your inspiration for your resolutions, we reached out to 12 successful SEED SPOT alumni. Here’s what they have to say about setting ambitious resolutions and making 2019 the most productive and inspirational year yet!

Get Your Idea Off Paper

resolutionsOne of my biggest resolutions for 2019 is to get my business idea off of paper. I recently read a quote from Barbara Corcoran that said, ‘you don’t have to get it right – you just have to get it going’, and I am sticking to that: get it going! In fact, I have realized that as an innovative entrepreneur, there is no other way for me to know what is right, but to get it going and try to succeed.”

– Nadja Naimon, Founder of SmartNibs
2018 SEED SPOT Weekend Launch Camp Alumna from George Washington University


Grow Intelligently


With the launch of SquadCare, getting married, and working my day job, 2019 is set to be our biggest year yet! We’ve decided to embrace the hustle and grind, go for authentic connections, and work strategically. Our big goal in 2019 is to grow intelligently. By launching Q1 with 12 squads and 72 members and ending Q4 with 90 squads and 540 members, we are confident that we’ll provide our members with a unique and authentic experience specifically tailored for them.”

– Ellyse Bollinger and Kela Powers, Co-Founders of SquadCare
2018 SEED SPOT 2-Day Launch Camp Alumna from Phoenix, AZ


Do More Storytelling

resolutions“My biggest professional resolution is to produce more content through documentation. I also want to do more storytelling in person. That’s why in 2019, I’m wearing 365 different shirts with new faces on them everyday – influencers and everyday people (you can follow along on Instagram at @thehumanbillboardforcharity). I want to share the the real stories of people at various companies giving back to causes they care about while raising awareness for Your Birthday Mission in 2019 and beyond.”


Trevor Marks, Founder of Your Birthday Mission
2018 SEED SPOT 2-Day Launch Camp Alum from Phoenix, AZ


Enjoy Learning

resolutions“One of our biggest resolutions for 2019 is to enjoy the process of learning. We plan to learn as much as possible from the startup business culture by developing stronger ties with other small business owners and with startup experts who are willing to share their experiences. We hope to identify, retain and get assistance from mentors and support systems needed to make a good business decisions.”

– Marija Gajdardziska-Josifovska, Co-Founder of SafeLi Materials, and Carol Hirschmugl, Co-Founder of SafeLi Materials and 2018 SEED SPOT Women in Tech 2-Day Launch Camp Alumni from Washington, DC

*Connie Tommerdahl, Financial Support, was the other SEED SPOT alumna in attendance at the 2-Day Launch Camp


Stay Balanced

resolutionsA wise friend, Amal Gohal, once told me that effective leaders are propped up on a three-legged stool: one leg is your health, another your relationships, and the third your career. So I seek to stay balanced with what keeps me standing.”



Carolyn McGourty Supple, Co-Founder and Chief Visionary Officer at Press Forward
2018 SEED SPOT Women in Tech 2-Day Launch Camp Alumna from Washington, DC


Build a Brand and Market It

resolutions“No matter how good your idea is, you need to build a brand and market it. I recently acquired the necessary domain names and incorporated my non-profit just before Christmas 2018. I am going to put together a website in the next few months and hire an animator to put together an explainer video that I can use to quickly orient people on the concept and why they should contribute their time or financial resources to the cause.”

Andrew McDowell, Founder of Extended Immunity Foundation
2018 SEED SPOT Military Spouse 2-Day Launch Camp Alum from Washington, DC


Trust Your Gut

resolutions“One of my biggest professional resolutions for 2019 is to be more decisive and confident with decision-making. As an entrepreneur, it’s super important to trust your gut. You can get a lot more done when you believe in yourself!”



Melanie Isaacs, Founder and Chief Inclusion Officer of Pal Experiences
2014 SEED SPOT Evening Program Alumna from Phoenix, AZ


Ask Yourself, “What’s the Worst That Could Happen?”

resolutions“We’re not big resolutions people, but we do have some philosophies that we have adopted.  We like to ask ourselves, ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ We applied this question to the SEED SPOT program we attended and had a great time! We’d tell other entrepreneurs to learn all they can, utilize all the free resources at their disposal, and just start!”


Elisabeth Bergt and John Bergt, Co-Founders of DogGoPlay
2018 SEED SPOT 2-Day Launch Camp Alumni from Phoenix, AZ


Do What You Fear Most!

resolutions“My resolution is to continue becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable and stepping outside of the box. I recommend entrepreneurs start doing whatever they weren’t doing last year. Usually what we are procrastinating most on is where our fear resides. So let fear be your guide to what you should start doing this year and then crush it!”


Tari Thomas, Founder of There’s Room
2018 SEED SPOT 2-Day Launch Camp Alumna from Phoenix, AZ

Are you feeling inspired yet? Hopefully these go-getting SEED SPOT alumni have encouraged you to set aside time to plan out big professional goals for 2019. But remember – you don’t have to wait until January 1st of each year to reinvent the wheel. Make stronger and more strategic decisions all year round to continue growing and evolving your venture.

Make 2019 the year you turn your game-changing idea into an impactful business by applying for an upcoming SEED SPOT program. We can’t wait to support you in accomplishing all of your goals!  

Apply for a SEED SPOT Program

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>>”A Former Foster Youth’s Path to Becoming an Impact-Driven Entrepreneur

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>>”How to Measure Meaningful Social Impact

Lauren McDanell

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