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Meet the Spring 2021 Impact Accelerator Ventures

Meet the Ventures that will Change the World!

Meet the SEED SPOT Impact Accelerator cohort that’s making waves across the country and around the world! 

SEED SPOT’s Impact Accelerator is an intensive 6-week business incubator that prepares ventures for the fundraising due diligence process by helping them gain more traction and impact for their businesses. Unlike traditional accelerators, SEED SPOT is a 501c(3) nonprofit supported by philanthropic funding sources, and does not take any equity from the ventures they serve. 

These founders and founding team members are about to embark on a 6-week business journey, scaling their ventures and impact locally and around the globe. They have taken on ambitious missions of impact, and their innovations deserve to be celebrated! 

Want to be a part of the next Impact Accelerator starting in May 2021? Apply today!

Read more about the incoming Impact Accelerator cohort: 

The Wave

“The Wave is a platform that creates safe, online communities for the social and economic advancement of Black Millennials and businesses.”

Jason Kelley, CEO 

Sabrina Harvey, CCO

The Wave solves the problem of communication in the Black community by creating a system of digital communities, connected by location and topics. This is a fundamental problem that manifests in the most basic ways, from simply searching for black owned businesses, to sourcing out a babysitter or simply wanting to connect with Black people in a new city. In a world of Social+, where specialized platforms solve for very specific problems, The Wave App aims to solve the issue of connectivity for individuals, businesses, and brands.


AsisVisa is a web-based platform where Latino immigrants can prepare and file their immigration applications with automated legal guidance.”

Sergio Suárez, CEO 

Juan Esteban Torres, CTO

The U.S. immigration system is complex and can be very challenging to navigate. Navigating this complex system as an immigrant usually requires legal assistance, and the application process alone can be very expensive. Consequently, a considerable amount of Latinos have been left behind due to a lack of resources needed to access the U.S. immigration system. AsisVisa bridges this gap with their web-based  platform that allows Latino immigrants to file their immigration applications using an automated guidance system, thus making immigration more accessible and more affordable.


“AncestoriesXR helps families tell their genealogy history using immersive, interactive media that brings those stories and characters to life.” 

Retha Hill, Founder

When we don’t acknowledge or know our history, the chances of repeating its mistakes increases. Because many Americans are not aware of our shared history, many cultural and political battles have arisen and continue to escalate. These battles have spilled over into how we treat communities of color, other marginalized citizens, developing nations and immigrants. AncestoriesXR helps to bridge this divide through an interactive, extended reality (XR) platform that allows people to go back in time to see the world that an ancestor would have experienced. Users slip into a world of virtual reality where they can walk in their ancestor’s shoes, see the neighborhoods they lived in and experience the events that were taking place at that time. As a result,  Americans can stand united in the truth of our shared history.

Working Fields

“Working Fields is a mission-driven staffing agency that supports individuals who experience barriers to employment.” 

Mickey Wiles, CEO

Chelsea Lewis, COO

Substance use addiction, past criminal convictions, and/or systemic poverty are difficult barriers to overcome when attempted without the proper level of support. Individuals with these barriers have a difficult time obtaining jobs, and once they do, struggle with dealing with underlying issues that they are recovering from. At the same time, employers struggle developing a good workforce especially in entry-level positions. Working Fields bridges the gap between individuals who are working to change their lives and/or deserve a second chance with employers that need employees. Employment is a large part of recovery; it builds self esteem, fills up idle time and provides financial resources. The Working Fields solution, utilizing a traditional temp staffing agency model, provides the avenue to solve both issues.


“HappyPlate is a marketplace where people with dietary restriction find fresh, ready-to-eat, medically tailored meals created by local-chefs to meet their nutritional requirements.”

Michael Tadesse, CEO

Over one hundred million Americans require a special diet due to chronic conditions. Those with kidney disease are especially vulnerable to further health complications if they do not carefully manage their diets, but the intricacies of these limitations can be complicated and mistakes can be dangerous. HappyPlate’s platform in development supports individuals with dietary restrictions to find ready-to-eat meals. Initially launching in the DMV area, HappyPlate connects users to local chefs, holistic nutritionists, and serves as a community bringing together people with renal failure.

Holistic Urgent Care 

Holistic Urgent Care is the first to offer integrative medical care in an urgent care setting. Acute illness, infections, allergies, or minor injuries – our treatment options extend beyond big pharma.” 

Rebecca Miller, Founder and Physician

This past year, Coronavirus has taught us all that we can no longer afford–individually or collectively–to be complacent with our health. Instead, we must take a proactive approach in improving our lifestyle, our environment, and our nutrition so that our bodies are in an ideal state to respond to any threat. Urgent Care Clinics have popped up in nearly every major intersection in the country and this oversimplified model of health care delivery prioritizes speed over proficiency. Patients that visit a typical urgent care clinic are five-fold more likely to be prescribed an unnecessary antibiotic or corticosteroid than if they went to the emergency room.  Holistic Urgent Care seeks to not only solve the problem of overprescribing, but also to deliver high quality, comprehensive health care on an efficient, on-demand basis.

People Objective

People Objective produces video and audio content that ignites audiences to take action. We do this through employing, equipping, and empowering people oppressed by the criminal justice system.”

Cam Williams, CEO 

Michael Powell, Director of Creativity 

Shaun LeFlore, Director of Strategic Partnerships

The media landscape has been dividing people across the world, incentivized by viewership that leads to further partisanship, fueling fear and hatred. People Objective strives to provide a voice to those that historically have been oppressed. By telling stories in a creative, engaging narrative, People Objective is creating an outlet and an opportunity for those who have been oppressed to be leaders and sustain long-term wellbeing. This is of vital importance in healing our communities. People Objective produces music, podcasts, commercials, and film reflecting stories of people that represent the bulk of consumers in the USA. Through fascinating story-telling, we help our audience feel empowered and connected. We do this by connecting with companies that are aligned with our brand to sponsor our work and hire us for producing media for their organizations. 


Disruptia uses AI tools to provide customized guidance for inclusive education through learning paths that are designed to meet industry vacancies and seize students’ abilities.”

Paula Porras, Cofounder

The 21st Century digitalization era has been imposing new realities and challenges to businesses and organizations that must rely on today’s workforce able to tackle this evolving environment. However, many traditional education institutions haven’t responded with the same speed as working realities have evolved, creating a constant barrier for HR departments to find talent to hire. On the other hand, you also have a massive population of young generations uncertain about their future and career development, wondering how to fit into this new economy. Disruptia is tackling this problem by creating customized guidance, based on a comprehensive assessment of students’ realities and vacancies’ requirements. Disruptia offers a proper educational alternative that meets the Four-Dimensional Educational Framework (knowledge, skills, character and meta-learning) and improves success rates of both students and labor-demanding organizations. Disruptia uses AI tools to provide customized guidance for inclusive education that also meets industry needs. 

T|W Tote

T|W Tote provides cruelty-free, sustainable, stylish yet functional bags for professionals to carry their daily necessities, including meals, in style.”

 Shallon Thomas, COO 

Sherika Wynter, Cofounder

More than a billion animals are cruelly slaughtered for their skins to produce leather every year. T|W Tote aims to address this issue by creating cruelty-free, sustainable, stylish yet functional bags that professionals can carry their daily meals and their personal items in. Our sustainable, vegan totes have allowed our clients to rethink what they carry throughout the day. T|W Totes’ insulating properties have really transformed how people see and look at lunch bags, so much so, that buyers are using T|W totes in ways that the company did not anticipate or imagine. Some of their clients even use it to carry photography equipment!


“ShareMyJourney connects caring people 1:1 online, by phone, and in small groups to share knowledge and life experience to uplift one another along our paths.”

 Rebecca Cohen, Founder

ShareMyJourney.org provides community for individuals who are going through life experiences and want to connect with others who have/are experiencing something similar. ShareMyJourney connects caring people 1:1 by phone and in small groups online to share knowledge and life experience. ShareMyJourney.org confirms a specific match between members, before an introduction takes place so that members feel there is a level of authenticity and mutual support straight away. ShareMyJourney believes that sharing authentic conversations about a shared experience lifts the well being of two people in a low effort, high impact way and, through this shared understanding, users know that they are not alone.


Avisely digitizes consulting tools for organizations. Our mission is to democratize access to consulting tools transform the traditional consulting model into a less expensive, more efficient, and more empowering online employee experience.”

Courtney Walsh, Founder

Avisely democratizes access to consulting tools. With the knowledge that 50% of organizations lack strategic plans and 80% of transformations fail, Avisely simplifies the strategy and execution process through an online platform. Our mission is to transform the traditional consulting model into a less expensive, more efficient, and more empowering online employee experience. By using this platform and having clarity on top priorities, organizations can focus more on achieving impact every day!

Want to be a part of the next Impact Accelerator? Apply today!

Lauren McDanell

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