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Técnicas para conocer y deleitar a sus futuros clientes

March 12 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm MST

Location/Localización: Prestamos CDFI Women’s Business Center

Language/Lingua: Spanish

About the Event

Este taller enseñará a los participantes a encontrar a los clientes de su mercado objetivo, y a construir una interacción exitosa con los clientes para aumentar la retención de clientes y las ventas. 

Asistir en Persona

Confirme su asistencia para recibir la dirección del evento por correo electrónico. Por favor llegar 10 minutos antes.

3 Going
47 remaining, Last day to RSVP

Meet the Speaker

Chris Prince

Chris has worked in sales and marketing roles within media and professional sports and vents. He graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management. In his last position, he was a media manager at a magazine publication, interviewing CEO’s of large companies and selling advertising within the CEO feature. Chris once sold a suite to Snoop Dogg, and became friends through the season!