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SEED SPOT Venture Reflections: Impact Accelerator

SEED SPOT’s Fall 2020 Impact Accelerator application is officially open, and it’s your time to shine!

We are so excited to welcome brilliant, social-impact driven entrepreneurs into the accelerator. In the Impact Accelerator, high-impact, high-growth startups are able to take their business to the next level with mentorship, guidance, and connections to fundraising. At the end of the six week, completely virtual Impact Accelerator, entrepreneurs will walk away with a pitch deck and everything they need to raise capital and scale their businesses.

We are proud to be a world top 5 Private Business Accelerator, but we are even more proud of the success of the entrepreneurs that have come through our programs. Quotes like this, from Dana Lam & Marty Kupper, Co-founders of Surprise Date Challenge, share some of the meaningful features of the program: 

“We feel so fortunate to have discovered SEED SPOT. The mentorship and training that we experienced during the Impact Accelerator was extremely beneficial. We enjoyed the interactive sessions and made some amazing connections with our fellow cohorts throughout the program. The opportunity to prepare and present a 3-min pitch of our business allowed us to refine our value proposition and we now have an excellent pitch deck to share with the world. The impact of the Seed Spot Accelerator Program to our business has been invaluable and was just what we needed to get to the next level.”

Congratulations on your success, Dana and Marty!

Interested in learning more? Drop us a note on social, say hello, and learn more about the upcoming Impact Accelerator. If it’s something that would be a great fit for your growing business, apply by August 19th to guarantee an interview. Final application deadline is September 2nd. 

We look forward to seeing you this Fall!

Lauren McDanell

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