Start or grow a business for good.


Creating the World's largest home for impact-driven entrepreneurs

What is the Ecosystem Partner Program?

It's a network of entrepreneur support organizations committed to social impact and breaking down barriers for entrepreneurs from underrepresented backgrounds from around the globe.

Finding out about SEED SPOT was life-changing for me. I would wish that on all the entrepreneurs starting up. All the people who have this idea in their mind and who are trying to right the wrongs of society like I am. I would wish them access to the programs, mentorships, and resources that SEED SPOT provides.

Sheila Iyengar, The Nagi Foundation


Entrepreneur Support Organizations

  • Provide adult entrepreneurs with access to mentorship, content experts, investment, and guidance on sustainability/scalability of business

Economic development organizations

  • Economic development organizations and agencies at the city, county, state, and national level that focus on economic growth and small businesses.

coworking spaces

  • Coworing spaces that are home to many startups and provide an environment that fosters entrepreneurship and innovation

Universities and Colleges

  • Partner with university innovation centers and entrepreneurial support departments in schools across the nation

Service Providers

  • Experienced/accredited professionals who provide entrepreneurs with expertise in specific industries, ranging from Digital Marketing to Legal Services.


  • Individuals or organizations who offer financial support to entrepreneurs looking to scale their ventures.


Be the first to know about SEED SPOT  programs and events for you to share pre-written content with your community through social media and newsletters.

Promotion of your organization and placement of your logo on our website and in ecosystem partner emails.

Access to our community of over 50,000 entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Announcements of your wins and program updates to an active alumni community of over 1,000 entrepreneurs and businesses.

VIP access to all of our SEED SPOT events and early invitations to your network to competitive program opportunities.

Plus much, much more. We look forward to you joining us as we create the world's largest home for impact driven entrepreneurs.

become an ecosystem partner